Panel Discussion
Impulse lecture and discussion: How “political” is architecture?

Impulse lecture and discussion: How “political” is architecture?
© Bruno Reiffenstein, Architekturzentrum Wien, Sammlung: Atelier Alfons Hetmanek & Franz Kaym, Wien 3
The built fabric is never an exclusively aesthetic phenomenon but always also transports contents that develop in dialogue with their political surroundings and with those who commission it. A look back at the planning activity of National Socialism raises the question about how “political” architecture and its actors are. Are there continuities in planning that extend across political divides and how does one deal with them?
Welcome address
Monika Platzer, Curator of the Exhibition
Impulse lecture
Ingrid Holzschuh, Curator of the Exhibition
Discussion with
Werner Durth, Professor of History and Theory of Architecture, TU Darmstadt
Gabu Heindl, Architect
Thomas Madreiter, Planning Director of the City of Vienna
Gottfried Pirhofer, Urban planner, Urban researcher and Writer
Rudolf Scheuvens, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Vienna
Klaus Steiner, Urban Planner
Moderated by: Dietmar Steiner, Director of the Az W
Admission free!