Helmut Richter

Exhibition poster: Helmut Richter
© Architekturzentrum Wien
Dietmar Steiner, Director Az W
Peter Cook, Architect, London
Klaus Semsroth, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, Vienna
Prof. Volker Giencke, Architect Graz/Innsbruck
“The issue is not only architecture itself, but architecture as the expression of an approach.” H. Richter
Helmut Richter conveys this approach to generations of young architects as professor for Hochbau 2 at the Vienna University of Technology. As a teacher he rejects mediocrity and instead stimulates his students to experiment, to go a step further than the teaching curriculum, but without absolving them from their future responsibility, “to satisfy what is required at the moment and to do what is right – or, to put it better – what is less wrong for the future.” (Quote: H. Richter)
In October 2007, after teaching for sixteen years and having supervised more than 500 degree theses Helmut Richter will be made emeritus professor. A chance to say thank you to this nonconformist, constantly researching architect who is, without any doubt, one of the most influential architects in this country. A publication “Für Helmut Richter” will appear at the same time as the exhibition. It is a collection of contributions from personalities from his wide-ranging areas of activity and will be presented on the occasion of the exhibition opening.