Guided Tour
Guided Tour Margherita Spiluttini

Guided Tour Margherita Spiluttini
© Pez Hejduk
Guided tour in German, no English Audio-Guides available!
The tour provides an overview of the exhibition.
Margherita Spiluttini established Austrian architecture photography about 25 years ago. With her photographs of private and public buildings by unknown as well as celebrated architects she has become a trusted and much demanded chronicler of national and international architecture, one who has made a significant contribution to the way architecture is seen. She is now one of the most important proponents of the genre.
Margherita Spiluttini’s work is not restricted to a comprehensive chronicle of Austrian architecture and major buildings by star architects in the international arena. Spiluttini’s own works ‘Nach der Nature’ (After Nature) and ‘Bildgeschichten’ (Narrative Strips) prove, above all, her artistic stature too.
The exhibition addresses the translation of architecture into the visual language of a single photographer. Using slide projections in a range of formats from large to small, the documented buildings and landscapes, the selection of their special pictorial narratives, develop a unified visual language with depth, comprising an Austrian pictorial atlas, a conceptual art installation with the key message architecture.