Panel Discussion
Green Building
Energy efficient buildings beyond residential developments

Green Building
© Dan Perjovschi
The panel
Theodor Zillner, Haus der Zukunft (BMVIT)
Günter Lang, GF IG Passivhaus
Christian Mascha, Mascha & Seethaler (Haus der Forschung)
Brian Cody, TU-Graz
Moderated by
Dietmar Steiner, Director Az W
Ute Woltron, Architecture Journalist
Energy has long played a decisive role as an issue in housing development and detached family homes. Austria’s architects and planning specialists are among the best in the world in this sector, while state grants and policy encourage energy efficient building. However in the incomparably larger sector of public and office buildings a move towards energy efficiency is still just in the starting phase. This sector represents a key market for the BIG in the future, and BIG Az W is accordingly organising an extensive discussion of the issues involved with a panel of architects and specialists.