Common Household
Living, eating and caring in the city

The Agrotopia rooftop greenhouse project in Roeselare/Belgium is the largest building for food production in Europe
© Van Bergen Kolpa + Meta, photograph: Filip Dujardin
Living is work, whether it is about eating, caring for oneself and others, or looking after the space. How is this household organised and what alternative models are there in the realms of architecture and urban planning? Where does food come from, how sustainable is this, and how equitably is care work distributed?
It is becoming increasingly clear that the way we live and eat is crossing planetary boundaries and consuming more land, water and nutrients than is good for the environment. While food production and consumption are becoming increasingly distant from personal homes, communal eating is gaining in importance. Not only can it satisfy physically, but it is ecologically sustainable and promotes mental and physical wellbeing. Directly linked to the provision of food is domestic care work, which is still largely handled by women and happens in homes, as an additional manifestation of this situation. The international symposium provides valuable impulses for this topic of social and environmental relevance, as well as for planning.
Curator: Lene Benz, Az W
A cooperation by the Az W with MA 50/SPI
Panel 1 „Between Field and City: Food Spaces in the Residential Quarter“
Jago van Bergen, Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten, Rotterdam: Agrotopia, Europe’s biggest public building for food production
Grit Bürgow, Anja Steglich, Stadtmanufaktur, TU Berlin: Reallabor Roof – Water – Farm & FollowUps
Vanessa Giolai, Daniel Löschenbrand, TU Wien: Food Atlas Wien, a mapping of the urban food landscape with example cases: Andreas Gugumuck, Zukunftshof Wien
Discussion with guest: Bernhard Steger, MA 21A — Stadtteilplanung und Flächenwidmung
Moderated by: Dorothee Huber, Forschungsbereich Städtebau, TU Wien
Panel 2 „At One table: Eating as an eco-social living practice“
Julia von Mende, Bauhaus University Weimar: The spatialization of contemporary eating practices between the kitchen and the city
Scheibler & Villard, architects, Basel: LeNa Haus in Basel
Gabriela Aquije Zegarra, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland: Cooking with the Landscape: collective cooking and gardening in Peru and Switzerland
Discussion with guest: Lisa Plattner, Community Cooking, Caritas district work, Vienna
Moderated by: Bernadette Krejs, research in housing and design, TU Wien
Panel 3 „Living is work: On the Division of Space and Care Work in the Home“
Sabine Pollak, Koeb&Pollak Architektur: Built by Women for Women
ZKMB – a cooperation between young architects: On the In/Compatibility of Care Work and Architecture Praxis
Daniele Karasz, Search+Shape, Vienna, Niloufar Tajeri, TU Berlin: Labour@Home. Small interventions for working at home in modern postwar housing.
Discussion with guest: Eva Kail, expert for gender planning in the City of Vienna Stadtbaudirektion
Moderated by: Lene Benz, Az W
Keynote lecture: Anna Puigjaner, MAIO, Barcelona
Moderated by: Angelika Fitz, director of the Az W