Panel Discussion
Focal point: A Future without Architects?
Public Private Partnerships

Focal point: A Future without Architects?
© franz / Einreichung Wettbewerb Bildungscampus Berresgasse
Welcoming address: Dietmar Steiner, Direktor Az W
Impulse lecture: Hannes Pflaum, Pflaum Karlberger Wiener Opetnik Rechtsanwälte
Group discussion with:
Bernhard Sommer, vice-president of the Vienna Chamber of Architects
Erwin Stättner, franz, fightclub
Christian Kühn, dean of studies, associate professor at the Institute for Architecture and Design, TU Vienna
Werner Schuster, head of construction department, City Building Office Vienna
Chair: Maik Novotny, journalist
As a result of the Maastricht criteria for restricting national debts for public construction projects the use of Public Private Partnership models has become widespread. Often, ostensibly for legal reasons, architects are deliberately sidelined after the planning application phase. The group discussion aims to look at the following questions: why does the City of Vienna see itself obliged to use PPPs? What is the economic sense of this approach? Do PPPs automatically exclude architects? Is it possible to find a way that takes all involved into consideration?
Admission is free of charge!