Lecture and Response
Flores & Prats Arquitectes
IBA_Wien meets Architects #12

Foyer Sala Beckett Theater, Barcelona
© photograph: Adrià Goula
In 1924 the Justícia i Pau association in Barcelona built a socio-cultural centre with a school, theatre, offices, canteen, bar and library. This building had remained empty since the 1980s until its renovation by Flores & Prats, when it was awoken to new life. The original spirit of the association's development has been retained.
The architect duo Flores & Prats have proven their capacity for fine precision work and enjoyable experimentation with a conversion process that was economical in terms of both resources and cost: existing structural components were painstakingly studied, interpreted and redeployed in the design. In addition to the theatre spaces, the bar, shop and foyer on the ground floor provide space for audiences, the local scene and the neighbourhood to meet. So the building is linked with the neighbourhood’s social memory, which was tied for the most part to the Justícia i Pau association.
Vienna numbers among the fastest growing cities in Europe. Where does this leave space for socio-cultural infrastructure in the new housing quartiers, and what might these look like? This series of events presents architecture for community life in the 21st century.
Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores, Flores & Prats, Barcelona
Wilfried Kühn, Professor for Spatial Design, Vienna University of Technology
A cooperation by the Az W with the IBA_Vienna — New Social Housing