Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion

© Hertha Hurnaus
introductory addresses:
Hertha Hurnaus, photographer
Benjamin Konrad, architect
Maik Novotny, architect
the panel:
Henrieta Moravčíková, architect
Georg Schöllhammer, architecture theorist
Jan Tabor, architecture theorist
Adolph Stiller, architecture theorist
moderated by Monika Platzer, Az W
Beyond the wedding-cake ornamentation of 1950s Social Realism and the often cited industrially produced mass housing estates, the former Socialist republics of Eastern Europe provide examples of idiosyncratic late-Modernist styles often overlooked
National identities and building traditions were being more or less publicly implemented despite centralised building regulations coming from Moscow. But can one speak of an ‘Eastmodernism’? It remains true that many developments in the architectural sector ran parallel in the East and in the West — there are even depressing prefabricated housing developments in Paris, and the monumental Brutalist architecture has left its traces in London just as it has in Bratislava or Tiflis. Are these buildings then part of one continuing pan-European building culture? The book ‘Eastmodern’ is being published to accompany the exhibition with a presentation of architecture and design in Slovakia in the 1960s and 1970s.
Admission free!