
Duckburg Workshop for children aged 6+

On the trail of urban development with Donald Duck and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie

Tue 06.02.2007, 10:00-13:00

Workshop for children: Duckburg
© Az W

Workshop for children aged 6 and over

The staring roles are played by Donald Duck – the cartoon character from America – and his hometown. We study the architecture of Duckburg together: the road network, spaghetti junctions, urban structure, Downtown Duckburg, the residential area, skyscrapers with skywalks and systems of tunnels, and much more.
Then we build our own Duckburg.

Please bring a packed lunch and overalls for painting! Reservations: T +43-1-522 31 15 or

The staring roles are played by Donald Duck – the cartoon character from America – and his hometown. We study the architecture of Duckburg together: the road network, spaghetti junctions, urban structure, Downtown Duckburg, the residential area, skyscrapers with skywalks and systems of tunnels, and much more. Then we build our own Duckburg.