Discovering Colours – 25.+26.08.
part of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6-10)
Thu 25.08.2016 – Fri 26.08.2016

Discovering Colours – 01.+02.08.
© Griffen Clark Ott/ CC BY-NA-SA 2.0
Thu+Fri 25.+26.08., from 10am – 2pm
Colours have a strong impact on us, red makes us energetic, blue is more relaxing. In comics the world is brightly coloured, so why aren’t our towns and cities colourful? What do colours mean in different cultures? We immerse ourselves in the world of colours and test their impact first-hand and using models. Whose heart beats for gold?
Reservation required: T +43 1 522 31 15 or