Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020
Counter Geographies
Film Nights in the Az W courtyard

"Black Museum", National Museum of African American History in Washington D.C.
© Alan Karchmer
The Black Museum, D/US 2018, 52:00 min, original version with English subtitles, R: Oliver Hardt
It was called for, planned, blocked and repeatedly delayed for over a hundred years before it finally opened in 2016: The National Museum of African American History and Culture. Now the building designed by David Adjaye stands in the centre of Washington D.C. and aims to rewrite the history of the USA. The documentary takes the audience on a journey through the spectacular museum. Through 100,000 square feet of exhibition space spread across eight levels, the museum explores America’s history and culture through the lens of the African American experience. Interviews with the project’s key figures give detailed insight into the challenges and conflicts during the formative stage of the museum and its overwhelming success during its first year of operation. Trailer
Austrian premiere!
Counter Mapping, US/MEX 2018, 09:32 min, original version, R: Adam Loften & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
Jim Enote, a traditional Zuni farmer and director of the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center, collaborates with artists to compile maps that bring indigenous voices and knowledge into the cultural consciousness that are intended to counteract Western notions of place and geography.
Austrian premiere!
Americaville, CHN/US 2020, 80:00 min, original version with English subtitles, R: Adam James Smith
Hidden in the mountains to the north of Beijing, the Americaville housing estate promises its residents the realisation of the American dream. For Annie Liu the search for happiness, freedom and the American idyll does not conform to her expectations.
Austrian premiere!