Constructive Provocation
Contemporary Architecture in Vorarlberg

Exhibition poster: Constructive Provocation
© Architekturzentrum Wien, photograph: Nikolaus Walter, graphic design: LIGA: graphic design
“From rumour to myth. This would be a fitting summary of the architecture in Vorarlberg over the last few decades.” Dietmar Steiner
What began as a resolute stance adopted by a number of non-conformists was later declared as the basis for the identity of a whole provincial state, even at a cultural political level. Today the region has become a place of pilgrimage for architecture tourists and people looking for insight into how and why a single region in the heart of Europe redefined the notion of a culture of building, making it fruitful for our time. The westernmost provincial state in Austria counts today as a regional centre for contemporary architecture in Europe, one internationally celebrated as such by the cognoscenti.
Constructive Provocation provides a survey of the substantial number of buildings of high architectural quality completed in the ”Ländle” (little province) since the 1960s. Instead of spotlighting the work of individual architects, the exhibition shows a topography of the society with a network of protagonists and events.
The first level of reading along with 13 ”Thematic Portals” is provided by Ignacio Martínez’s large format photographs on the front of the cubes. Brief texts provide supplementary information and explanations of the different themes. A second level is provided by retracting showcases in drawers and wall elements bearing more details and examples of architecture relating to the topic concerned.
Since June 2003 the exhibition has been touring France with great success, from June 30 this highly promising show will provide the Viennese public with an insight into the ‘architectural miracle’ that is Vorarlberg.
Hannes Pflaum, president, Architekturzentrum Wien
Marie-Hélène Contal, curator, ifa Institut Francais d’Architecture
Otto Kapfinger, Conception and Scientific Management of the Exhibition
As a supplement to the main exhibition, the Architekturzentrum Wien is showing RESIDENCES: 40 single-family houses by architects who participated in the exhibition ‘austria west’ have been selected, and built as 1:333 scale models in white pine. Free postcards provide information on each of the projects.
An exhibition by the Vorarlberg Architekturinstitut (vai) in cooperation with La Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine – Département IFA (Institut français d’architecture).
Curator: Marie-Hélène Contal
Conception, scientific supervision: Otto Kapfinger
Exhibition design: Atelier Reinhard Gassner
Project coordination: Katharina Ritter
Geschäftsgruppe Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr
Bundeskanzleramt Sektion Kunst
Wien Kultur
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur