Talk Show
Club Architektur
Simulation and Reality — How do we play Architecture?

Club Architektur
© graphic design: grafisches Büro
What can gaming and architecture learn from each other, and what role do simulations play in this? To accompany the exhibition 'Serious Fun. Architecture & Games', an interdisciplinary panel discusses the fascination, the potential and the limits of playing in and with space.
Architecture and gaming are closely related. Every design is a scenario, each planning procedure is a set of rules, every participatory process is a simulation of reality. Urban planners use specially programmed Apps to generate datascapes from our movements in space. But what are the rules to follow in the game, what realities are we simulating, and how? The same applies the other way round: The realm of gaming has its own architecture and depicts spaces, cities and worlds. SimCity, Minecraft and GTA open up worlds imagined in detail with urban planning regulations, Pokemon Go and geocaching turn real urban space into a gaming arena and a voyage of discovery.
Claudia Bayerl, educationalist at Spielebox Wien
Katharina Gugerell, Ass. Prof., Institut für Landschaftsplanung, BOKU Wien
Jörg Hofstätter, founder of ovos, architect and expert on instructional games
Ernst Strouhal, Univ. Prof., Cultural Studies, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Moderated by Maik Novotny, architectural journalist
Thanks to: Firma Kohlmaier, Wien