Claiming*Spaces #2
Feminist Perspectives in Architecture and Spatial Planning

© Claiming*Spaces
Is our knowledge of the past limited to who and what we see? What conditions have produced the writing of history, and the perspectives that orient it?
In this second Claiming*Spaces conference, we aim to interrogate the narratives of architectural and spatial planning history conveyed through the media, university, and curated canon. One dimensional views, produced through particular structural conditions – only allow for the inclusion of perspectives that are familiar. Indeed, the writings of history become repeated and produced from the same structural viewpoint, denying diversity, contestation, and integration of difference. Multiplicities of history, and diverse approaches to the production of architecture, are erased and muted to facilitate the re-production of the one-sided canon. To bring the question of ‘whose history’ to the forefront of architectural discourse, we invite you to take part in unlearning the narrative we have been fed.
Concept and organisation: Claiming*Spaces Collective, Vienna University of Technology
10:00 Visit (optional)
Permanent Exhibition Hot Questions – Cold Storage, Az W
11:30 -12:50 Welcome & Introduction
Claiming*Spaces Kollektiv, TU Wien
Angelika Fitz, Director Az W
LIVE STREAM Welcome & Introduction
Introduction & Feminist Insights
Monika Platzer, Head of Special Collections, Curator, Az W
13:00-15:00 Panel 1_Educating Architectures. A Feminist Culture of Learning
Input & Discussion
Afaina de Jong, Architect, Teacher, Researcher; Claiming Spaces Guest Professor 2021, Amsterdam (NL)
Brady Burroughs (tbc), Architect, Teacher, Researcher, KTH Stockholm (SWE)
Ena Kukić, Petra Petersson, Gender Task Force, Faculty of Architecture, TU Graz (AT)
Michelle Howard, Luciano Parodi, Eva Sommeregger, IKA, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (AT)
With Architecture students from TU Wien:
Menat Abdou, Albina Aidaralieva, Marie-Claire Amann, León Ausserer, Paula Feichter, Stefanie Fridrich, Valentina Gruber, Janina Habekus, Dana Hintermair, Leon Hofenauer, Katharina Hohenecker, Sultan Kayan , Rebecca Koßler, Danai-Efstathia Kotsali, Pauline Krizmanich , Arzu Kurt, Nelli Menjailow , Eva-Maria Neumaier, Julia Pauer, Anna Prohaska, Ana Putric, Hannah Scholl, Martin Schreiber, Magdalena Steininger, Marija Steko, Hanna Supka-Kovács, Emily Trummer, Anna Vass, Shriranga Wirth
Concept & Moderation
Inge Manka, Sabina Riß, Carla Schwaderer, C*S Collective Vienna (AT)
15:30-17:00 Panel 2_Gesturing Invisibilised Histories: On Performative Enactment of Spatial Narratives
Raymond Pinto, Performer, Artist, New York (US)
LIVE STREAM Panel 2 Performance
Input & Discussion
Ofri Cnaani, Artist, Educator, Researcher, Assoc. Lecturer, London (UK)
Lisa Moravec, Art Historian, Vienna (AT)
Afaina de Jong, Architect, Teacher, Researcher, Claiming Spaces Guest Professor 2021, Amsterdam (NL)
LIVE STREAM Panel 2 Discussion
Concept & Moderation
Carmen Hines, Bernadette Krejs, C*S Collective Vienna (AT)
17:30-19:00 Panel 3_Unseen Realities
Input & Discussion
Roberta Burghardt, Architect, Co-founder of the architects collective coopdisco, Berlin (DE)
Marisa Cortright, Independent Writer, Editor, Researcher, Zagreb (HRV)
Elke Krasny, Cultural Theorist, Curator, Urban Researcher, Vienna (AT)
Zaida Muxí Martínez, Architect, Teacher, Researcher, Barcelona (ESP)
Concept & Moderation
Lauren Janko, Julia Nuler, Leon Scheufler, Julia Wannenmacher, Elisabeth Weiler, Veronika Wladyga, C*S Collective Vienna (AT)
19:00 Get together