Changing Values
A Vienna Biennale for Change 2019 event

Rock Print, Chicago, 2015
© Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
For the Vienna Biennale for Change, international representatives from the fields of architecture, design, art and commerce discuss connections between alternative ecological and economic approaches.
Pursuing the topics of Valuable Data, Innovative Materials and Transformation Design, the conference engages with relationships between architecture, design and art, and promotes the search together for strategies for the future, ethical conditions of production and ecological justice, be it in the global South or in the global North.
The brilliant opening is provided by keynote speeches from the Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari, who sets new standards for low-cost and zero-carbon projects, as well as the critical thinker who is pioneering ethics for the digital realm, Sarah Spiekermann-Hoff.

A conference by the MAK and the Slovak Design Center , in collaboration with the Architekturzentrum Wien and the Kunsthalle Wien as part of the INTERREG V-A Slowakei–Österreich programme
Fri 06.09.
18:00 welcome address
Angelika Fitz, Director of the Az W
Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Director of the MAK, Head of VIENNA BIENNALE FOR CHANGE 2019
Mária Rišková, Slovak Design Center (SDC)
Keynote Lectures:
Yasmeen Lari (PAK), Architect
Sarah Spiekermann-Hoff (DE), Head of the Institute for Information Systems & Society, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
Sat 07.09
Panel I Valuable Data
Paul Feigelfeld (AT), Media Theorist
Peter Mörtenböck (AT), Professor of Visual Culture at Vienna University of Technology
Helge Mooshammer (AT), Culture Theorist and Architect
Katja Schechtner (AT), Consultant Innovation and Technology, OECD/ITF & Research Fellow MIT
Moderated by Vanessa Joan Müller, Kunsthalle Wien
Panel II Innovative Materials
Ena Lloret-Fritschi (CH), Architect, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
Thomas Traxler (AT), mischer’traxler studio
Seetal Solanki (UK), Material Designer and Researcher, Founder of Ma-tt-er
Lilo Viehweg (DE), Designer and Researcher
Moderated by Mária Rišková, Slovak Design Center (SDC)
Panel III Transformation Design
Harald Gruendl (AT), Co-Partner, EOOS, and Founder IDRV – Institute of Design Research Vienna
Nikolaus Hirsch (DE), Architect and Art Theorist
Anab Jain (UK), Designer, Filmmaker, and Co-Founder of Superflux
Johannes Strohmayer (AT), Entrepreneur and Investment Banker
Moderated by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Director of the MAK, Head of VIENNA BIENNALE FOR CHANGE 2019