Caution Concrete!
Workshops for Children from the Age of Six

Caution Concrete!
To Accompany The Exhibition 9=12 New Housing In Vienna
This time at the Architekturzentrum Wien it’s all about the theme of HOUSING and the material CONCRETE. You mix cement with sand, water and gravel and use it to make your dream home.
The workshop CAUTION CONCRETE! starts with a tour of the exhibition organised in an entertaining way involving dialogue in which special types of floor plan and forms of housing are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the development of concrete.
During the tour of the exhibition questions such as “Where do we live?” and “What different kinds of housing are there?” will be answered. What is the difference between a single-family house, a terrace house, a house containing a number of separate apartments and a high-rise apartment block? We will be discussing housing then and now and also the factors that influence us in our search for a place to live.
Through the models presented in the exhibition along with the photos and plans the children can learn how to read floor plans. Symbols and signs help us to understand the differences and similarities between the projects. During the practical part of the workshop the children can fit out their own dwelling and pour concrete themselves.
On the following days, 3pm:
Saturday, November 16, 2002
Saturday, December 21, 2002
Monday, December 23, 2002
Saturday, January 18, 2003
At the
Architekturzentrum Wien
Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Vienna
Reservation and Information:
Architekturzentrum Wien
Alexandra Viehhauser
Tel.: 01-522 31 15 – 27
Euro 3,50
20 % Reduction for Az W smallpartners
The Az W for groups of children and school classes
If you don’t want to come alone but would prefer to bring your pals, school friends or teachers this is no problem. If you give us a telephone call in advance you can arrange a visit to our workshop outside the times listed above.