Care + Repair Symposium
The Care + Repair symposium is an example of combining all sorts of urban knowledge by bringing together local experts, the partners of the Mischung: Nordbahnhof research and development project, and the six international teams of architects invited to work on the Care + Repair project on the Nordbahnhof site. The partners in the research project outline the complexities of the local context for the work on the urban future of the Vienna Nordbahnhof grounds. The participating architecture teams present examples of their own approaches to the Care + Repair project in lectures followed by responses from the local experts.
10:00 Welcome address: Jennifer Kickert, municipal councillor
Theresia Vogel, Austrian Climate and Energy Fund
Introduction: Angelika Fitz and Elke Krasny, curators
10:30 Masterplan, Lecture + Q&A, STUDIOVLAY, Bernd Vlay and Lina Streeruwitz
11:00 Mischung: Nordbahnhof Talks with members of the research and development project
Christian Peer and Silvia Forlati, TU Wien
Fritz Kittel, EGW Heimstätte Gesellschaft
Mirjam Mieschendahl, imGrä
Peter Fattinger, studio, TU Wien
Moderated by Elke Krasny and Angelika Fitz
12:00 On Care and Repair, Elke Krasny
A Public Workspace, Angelika Fitz
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Architects´Lectures + Local Respondents + Q&A
Project Spoor Oost, Rotor – Renaud Haerlingen/Brussels + Brigitte Felderer/Vienna
Project Urban School Ruhr, Rosario Talevi/Berlin + Hansel Sato/Vienna
Project This Place Is Pretty Good, a-works — Cristian Stefanescu/Bergen + Zuzana Ernst/Vienna
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Architects´ Lectures + Local Respondents + Q&A
Project The Promises of Modernist Premises, GABU Heindl Architektur/Vienna + Can Gülcü/Vienna
Project Aktion_Arkiv, Meike Schalk/Stockholm + Beatrice Stude/Vienna
Project Dionysos, Zissis Kotionis and Phoebe Giannisi/Volos + Martin Riesing/Vienna
18:00 Conclusion