Public workspace
Care + Repair
A public workspace of the Architekturzentrum Wien in the framework of the Vienna Biennale 2017

Care + Repair
© Architekturzentrum Wien
How can we repair the future? And how can architecture and urbanism take care of this? To test a Care + Repair urbanism the Architekturzentrum Wien is opening a public workspace at the Nordbahnhof, one of Vienna’s largest inner-city development areas with an impressive natural wasteland.
Here six internationally active teams of architects come together and, in tandem with local initiatives and experts, develop proposals for Care + Repair prototypes. How can very different kinds of urban knowledge be compiled and be used effectively in creating neighbourhood networks, new kinds of communal spaces, affordable housing for everyone, in ensuring the further use of existing materials or in taking care of nature in the city?
Public workspace with site visits, discussions, workshops
An exhibition on site shows projects by the invited teams, which illustrate how Care + Repair architecture interacts with the existing city and brings it into the future. Documentations of the work process on the Care + Repair prototypes are constantly added to this growing exhibition. An international symposium precedes the development of prototypes; throughout the duration of the project the public workspace offers site visits, discussions and workshops as an invitation to help test various approaches to repairing the future.
Nordbahn Halle as a temporary use
The public workspace of the Az W is anchored in the Nordbahn Halle, located beside the water tower on the old Nordbahnhof site, which is used temporarily by the partners of the research and development project Mischung: Nordbahnhof. An inviting place is created where various functions for the new urban district can be tested.
Curators: Angelika Fitz, Elke Krasny
Exhibition Design: Alexander Ach Schuh
Care + Repair Program
- 20.06.: opening, 20:00
- 21.06.–31.07.: public workspace with a growing exhibition, tours, discussions, consultations with the teams of architects, workshops for adults, children and young people, and much more.
- 30.06.: Care + Repair symposium
- 09.07.: Care + Repair prototypes – interim report
Care + Repair actors
Teams of architects
- a-works – Cristian Stefanescu/Bergen
- Gabu Heindl Architektur/Vienna
- Zissis Kotionis & Phoebe Giannisi/Volos
- Rotor/Brussels
- Meike Schalk, Sara Brolund de Carvalho /Stockholm
- Rosario Talevi/Berlin
Local experts and initiatives
- Zuzana Ernst/Brunnenpassage
- Can Gülcü
- Martin Riesing
- Hansel Sato
- Beatrice Stude/IG lebenswerter Nordbahnhof
- Integrationshaus
- Academy of Fine Arts Vienna/Sieglinde Lang and Elke Krasny
- University of Applied Arts Vienna/Masterstudium Social Design/Brigitte Felderer
- Vienna University of Technology/ studio/Peter Fattinger
Drawing in Residence: studio ASYNCHROME
Care + Repair is part of the research and development project Mischung: Nordbahnhof that involves the following project partners: Institute for Housing and Design and the Sociology Department of Vienna University of Technology, Architekturzentrum Wien, Erste gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft Heimstätte, STUDIOVLAY, morgenjungs. This project receives support from the Climate and Energy Fund and is being carried out in the context of the Smart Cities Initiative. The temporary use of the Nordbahn Halle is made possible by the ÖBB-Immobilienmanagement GmbH.
In summer 2017 Care + Repair is part of the VIENNA BIENNALE 2017: Robots. Work. Our Future, which unites designers, architects and visual artists with the aim of creating a better tomorrow: MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Art / Contemporary Art, University of Applied Arts Vienna – Applied Innovation Laboratory, Kunsthalle Wien, Az W – Architekturzentrum Wien, Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, research partner: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology