CANCELLED: Winter Academy: Shaping the place
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CANCELLED: Winter Academy: Shaping the place
© Kerstin Lasser
‘Shaping the Place’ at the Architekturzentrum Wien
Monday 11 February to Friday, 15 February 2008, 10am -17pm
for ages: 16+
architect: Anne Wübben
The workshop begins with a presentation on the subject of replanning public squares, to familiarise the participants with the different design possibilities. Then we discuss our favourite squares as a group, and decide what is needed and wanted based on the analysis made. Then we examine the site itself using a role-playing game. Questions we will be considering are, for example: What are the pros and cons for specific groups of people using the square? — a blind person, an old man with a walking stick, a family with four children, three students looking for a peaceful place to learn etc.
Then we take the measurements of the site, first by pacing it, then more accurately with a tape measure. We take photographs and make sketches to provide the basis for the planning process.
Back at the Architekturzentrum Wien the location is analysed. Divided into groups, the participants then redesign the square according to their own vision, aided by sketches and working models.