CANCELLED: a_showcase 16: Competition for the Evangelisches Realgymnasium Donaustadt

CANCELLED: a_showcase 16: Competition for the Evangelisches Realgymnasium Donaustadt
© Az W
Heinz Tesar, chairman of the jury
representatives for the winning project
moderated by Christian Kühn, representative of the board of the Architekturstiftung Österreich
The Evangelische Realgymnasium Donaustadt began operating as a school in the autumn of 2010 in a provisionary building comprised of portacabins on the future site of the school building. Parallel to this, the planning of the new school began with the participation of teachers, pupils and parents. The concept essentially comprises 6 teaching clusters, each consisting of four group rooms and a communal area. With about 600 pupils (and 80 teachers) the school should not only serve as a place of learning but also as a place to live in.
The series ‘a_showcase’ presents the winning project from the invited entry competition. Christian Kühn from the department for building theory at Vienna University of Technology, who has accompanied the planning process, holds a discussion about the building project with the architects who won the competition with their concept, which was selected in mid-April, the chairman of the jury Heinz Tesar and other individuals who participated in the competition process.
Admission free!