
Bröckel und die Nus. Stains on the Wall

Performance & Workshop

Sun 20.09.2015, 14:30-17:00

Bröckel und die Nus. Stains on the Wall

Cooperation with Figurentheater LILARUM

Every house tells a story. Stains on walls come alive in this Architekturzentrum Wien workshop. Following the puppet show “Broeckel and Nus” and a short stroll through the Rabenhof, children ages 6+ and their parents build models of homes in the GB*3/11 living room to assembly them as the house of Broeckel and Nus. Perhaps then the windows will also start dancing!

Combinaton ticket: 12 €, with kinderaktivkarte 9 €
Registraion required: 01/710 26 66,

Sat, 19.9.2015, 2:30pm
Sat, 20.9.2015, 2:30pm
Duration: ca. 2,5h