Book and Film Presentation: Bogdan Bogdanović
An evening dedicated to the presentation of Bogdan Bogdanović's memorials in a film by Reinhard Seiss, and his literary work in a book by Vladimir Vuković.

Book and Film Presentation: Bogdan Bogdanović
An evening dedicated to the presentation of Bogdan Bogdanović’s memorials in a film by Reinhard Seiss, and his literary work in a book by Vladimir Vuković.
6.45pm: welcome address by Dietmar Steiner, director of the Az W
6.50pm: Silke Dürnberger, architecture editor, presents the book Bogdan Bogdanović. Das Literarische Werk by Vladimir Vuković
7pm: film screening (125 mins.): Architecture of Remembrance. The Monuments of Bogdan Bogdanović
9.05pm: following the screening the author of the film, Reinhard Seiss, will be answering the audience’s questions.
“We wrote manifestos, translated Breton and brief texts by Freud and Wilhelm Reich”, said Bogdanović about this period. In this book Vladimir Vuković introduces the literary oeuvre of the great architect and urbanologist, and includes his early writings, previously only accessible in Serbian, for the first time in German. The author guides the reader into the intellectual world of Bogdan Bogdanović, providing deep insights into the political conditions in former-Yugoslavia. He describes Bogdanović’s term as the mayor of Belgrade, his conflict with Slobodan Milošević, the demise of the multi-ethnic state, and finally the circumstances surrounding his flight to Vienna.
The book also includes numerous illustrations of Bogdanović’s monuments and explains their connection to his writings. This is the background before which Vuković designs his moving portrait of a thinker of European status.
The book presentation is followed by a screening of the film Architecture of Remembrance. The Monuments of Bogdan Bogdanović by Reinhard Seiss (screenplay). The topical film (duration 125 mins.) by the urban planner and author includes portraits of seven monuments against war and persecution created by Bogdan Bogdanović over four decades. Quotations taken from books by Bogdanović interweave the surrealist architecture with the literature of this distinguished artist and humanist. In addition the film provides insights into the biography and philosophy of the ‘doomed architect’, and reflects the history of Yugoslavia on the basis of its memorial sites.
Admission free!
The film “Architecture of Remembrance” has been supported by:
ERSTE Stiftung
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur
Filmfonds Wien
Stadt Wien – Kultur
Land Oberösterreich – Kultur
Land Salzburg – Kultur
Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten
KIA Austria