Lectures and panel discussion
Beyond Shelter
Creating Inclusive Living Space

© Photograph: David Kraler, Luca Brusegan
For the past two years the focus has been on emergency accommodation. However what is to follow and what contribution can architects make to the social integration of refugees?
The discussion in the evening pursues the question of how architectural concepts can go beyond the creation of temporary solutions and successfully contribute to long-term inclusion. Under discussion are the prevailing conditions in the housing market, spatial strategies and political concepts, while spotlighting successful initiatives from Europe.
A cooperation by the Architekturzentrum Wien with Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria (AoGA)
Brief Presentations:
- Peter Haslinger, architect, academic assistant at the Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Clemens Foschi, Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien: social business and project manager, Magdas Hotel
- Anna Popelka, PPAG architects
- Team Macondo, AoGA, Projekt Macondo
Discussion with: Peter Haslinger, Clemens Foschi, Anna Popelka, Team Macondo, AoGA
Moderated by Sarah Kohlmaier, Uniport der Universität Wien