Best of Austria
Architektur Architecture 2010_2011. Book presentation, brief lectures and discussion

Best of Austria
© lenz+ büro für visuelle gestaltung
Welcome address:
Dietmar Steiner, director Az W
Barbara Feller, concept for and editor of ‘Best of Austria’
Gerhard Jagersberger, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture
Introductory lecture:
Hans Ibelings, architecture critic and author in ‘Best of Austria’, Netherlands
Brief lectures:
Clemens Bauder & Klaus Michael Scheibl, Bauder / Scheibl
Tom Lechner, LP architektur
Much Untertrifaller, Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten
Carmen Wiederin, propeller z
Moderated by Barbara Feller
Following the success of the first two volumes in this series of books, a ‘Best of’ for Austrian architecture and the Austrian culture of building is being presented for the third time. The volume contains introductions to the outstanding projects and individuals of 2010 and 2011. The bilingual publication (English/German) was initiated by the bm:ukk and published by the Az W. At the book presentation Hans Ibelings presents a view from outside of the Austrian architecture landscape. This is followed by brief lectures by the award-winning Austrian architects on the subject of the significance of architecture prizes for architecture offices.
The event is being held in English and German
Admission free!