
Az West: Young Blood. I’m a Young ‘Austerian’ Architect!

Positions of Emerging Architects from Austria

Thu 19.04.2007 – Sun 13.05.2007
Exhibition poster

Exhibition poster: Az West: Young Blood. I'm a Young 'Austerian' Architect!
© Architekturzentrum Wien

Attention! Architecture. Architecture must burn! Everything is architecture! The history of the art of building in Austria is marked by sound bytes. What about the current generation of emerging architects? Is conformation hip?

“Young” architects currently appear to be more than merely fulfilling typical demands like those of taking their own initiatives and showing flexibility. However, beyond all the professionalism: What are the stances being adopted?

The exhibition presents eight positions held by emerging architects from Austria – eight standpoints that are formulated as sound bytes, or slogans for the exhibition, and as a basis for discussion.

Contributors: AGENCYOFCHANGE.NET, AllesWirdGut, feld72, GRID architekten, noncon:form, Franz Sdoutz, transparadiso, x architekten.

The ‘Young Blood’ exhibition cycle, organised by the CCEA (Centre of Central European Architecture in Prague) presents positions of emerging central European architecture producers from six different countries, to explore and compare their standpoints as architects. The selected positions from all participating countries will be shown in a forthcoming exhibition at the Az West: ‘Young Blood EXPORT’

Upcoming: Young Blood EXPORT
Opening: Wed 16.05.2007, 7pm
17.05 – 10.06.2007

Public Funding:
Geschäftsgruppe Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur
Geschäftsgruppe Kultur und Wissenschaft

Impressions from the vernissage “Young Blood. I’m a Young ‘Austerian’ Architect!” and the opening of the new exhibition space Az West on April 18, 2007.