Az W on Site

Az W on site: magdas HOTEL

Booked up
Sun 22.03.2015, 13:50-15:20

Az W on site: magdas HOTEL
© Maria Lisa Leutner

Architecture: AllesWirdGut ZT GmbH
Tour guides: AllesWirdGut, hotel management magdas HOTEL, Caritas Socialis
Moderated by Anneke Essl
Maximum number of participants: 35

Through a kind of up-cycling process a former nursing home at the Prater in Vienna has been converted into a hotel with 80 double bedrooms, apartments and suites. Initiated by Caritas Socialis, this project is a social business that for a period of at least five years offers refugees from different countries a chance on the restricted labour market. The aim is to establish a professional hotel business with an added social value for both guests and staff.

The excursion “Az W on site: magdas HOTEL”, March 22, 2015