Panel Discussion
Az W Classic: Karl Mang is 90. A Celebration

Az W Classic: Karl Mang is 90. A Celebration
© Johanna Mang
Language: German
A cooperative venture between the Chamber of Architects and Consulting Engineers for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, and the Az W
Welcoming address: Dietmar Steiner Director Az W
Introduction: Walter Stelzhammer architect, President of the Chamber of Architects and Consulting Engineers for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
Manfred Nehrer architect, former president of the Künstlerhaus Wien (1996 – 2006)
Josef Ostermayer, State Secretary at the Federal Chancellery
Lecture: Markus Kristan, curator Albertina Wien
Followed by: discussion between Markus Kristan, Manfred Nehrer and Karl Mang
A doyen of Viennese architecture turns 90. Karl Mang celebrates his birthday on 5.10 – we congratulate him and then hold a party! Karl Mang (born 1922) studied at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna and in 1954, together with this wife Eva Mang-Frimmel, opened his office in Vienna. Innumerable designs for shop fitting-outs, exhibitions as well as numerous trade fair buildings bear witness to his intensive examination of the history of furniture-making. His interest in the social aspects of building forms an important part of Karl Mang’s oeuvre