Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020
New Beginnings and Breakthroughs
Film Nights in the Az W courtyard

Filmstill "City Dreamers" - Cornelia Hahn Oberländer, CCA
© Alan Karchmer
Ciudad Grande (Big City), MEX 2017, 31:24 min, original version with English subtitles, R: Ana Álvarez, Tuline Gülgönen
The film accompanies children at five very different locations as they make their way through Mexico City. The camera shows a challenging urban setting from the young city-dwellers’ perspective, and how they appropriate this setting playfully in their everyday lives.
Austrian premiere!
Wildbad – Weltbad, AT 2019, 06:00 min, without dialogue, R: Susanne Mariacher
Starting at the thermal spa in Bad Gastein, which once brought healing, prosperity and mass tourism to this remote community, the filmmaker has shifted the ritual act of bathing into public space.
City Dreamers, US/CDN 2018, 81:00 min, original version with German subtitles, R: Joseph Hillel
Phyllis Lambert, Blanche Lemco van Ginkel, Cornelia Hahn Oberlander and Denise Scott Brown: City Dreamers is a film about four ground-breaking architects who have had a decisive impact on cities and the architecture discourse for over 70 years.
Austrian premiere!