Lecture & Discussion:
Asylum, a Human Right => Habitation, a Human Right?
Lectures and panel discussion

Asylum, a Human Right => Habitation, a Human Right?
© Rupert Gruber
Welcome: Karoline Mayer, Az W
Project presentations:
Jasmin Leonard, initiative „Kein Ort. Nirgends“
Peter Haslinger from the Leibniz Universität Hannover, with Refugees Welcome
Maria Myskiw, Julia Menz and Rupert Gruber, students from Vienna University of Technology, with Displaced
Melanie Karbasch, with Refugium
Moderated by Elke Rauth, dérive — Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung
followed by a discussion with:
Uli Schmid, Innovation and Planning Agency
Armin Hanschitz, Fonds Soziales Wien
Ernst Schlossnickel, Executive Group for Construction and Technology of the City of Vienna
Jasmin Leonard, architect
Peter Haslinger, from the Leibniz Universität Hannover
Renate Stuefer / Karin Harather, TU Wien
Melanie Karbasch, architect
Hermann Schuster, Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien
moderated by: Elke Rauth
Since summer 2015 the refugee crisis in Europe can no longer be ignored in this country either. At the moment the priority is to enable those who have not moved on to stay. In doing so, one problem in particular has become visible: the lack of affordable housing.
The Az W is hosting a presentation of architectural concepts for long-term accommodation for immigrants. The various projects range from improving the housing situation with temporary emergency shelters via the use of vacant inner city property to new low-cost housing. The panel discusses the implementation and feasability of the plans with commentaries from people involved on a daily basis with housing refugees in Austria.