Architecture Speaks
Presentation of Learning Projects & Opening of the new Kids Corner

Architecture Speaks
© Simon Stock
Dietmar Steiner, Director of the Az W
Michaela Bauer, Teacher at the Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirtschaft und Tourismus Pupils of the the Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirtschaft und Tourismus
Anna Stornig, Pupil of the Höhere Graphische BLVA
Anne Wübben, Az W Learning
What does the built environment tell us? Or can it only speak “Architectese”? We present and discuss two current projects in cooperation with schools. An English language audio guide for the exhibition ‘a_show’ presents the projects on display informatively and with humour. It was conceived and realised by pupils of the Hertha Firnberg Schulen. The diversity of educational activities by the Az W is illustrated in a new folder, designed by pupils of the Höhere Graphische BLVA. In addition, the new Kids Corner in the ‘a_show’ is being opened. At the Kids Corner small and big visitors are invited to use all of their senses with architecture.