Architecture for New Learning — Building Schools with a Didactic Agenda?
An event in cooperation with the educational initiative Bildung GRENZLOS, by the Österreichischen Schulkompetenzzentrum (Austrian Centre for Educational Competence) and the Architekturzentrum Wien
Building on the historical roots of contemporary school architecture, the event pursues the question of why school space is often called the ‘third educator’; it explores the possibilities and limits of innovative school building in Austria, and casts an eye over the fence at innovative participatory school architecture in Germany.
16.00 welcome address:
Dietmar Steiner / director of the Az W,
Gernot Rammer / Schulkompetenzzentrum,
Heide Schrodt / Bildung GRENZENLOS
16.30 Christian Kühn / TU Wien: Educational Buildings for a Knowledge-Based Society
Franz Hammerer / KPH Wien: New Worlds for Learning — Conventional Schoolhouse Architecture?
Karin Schwarz-Viechtbauer / Österreichisches Institut für Schul- und Sportstättenbau (ÖISS):
The Borders of Visions — Visions for Borders in the School (Building) Landscape of Austria
5.30pm break
6pm Peter Hübner / plus+ bauplanung GmbH (D) and Renate Vetter / School principle Justus of Liebig Schule (D): Participatory Building with Pupils, Teachers and Parents
7.15pm three rounds of discussion with the speakers
8.15pm Highlights & Perspectives: open discussion, the speakers and the public
moderated by Edwin Radnitzky / Bildung GRENZENLOS
admission free