Architecture as Propaganda

Exhibition poster: Architektur als Propaganda
© Architekturzentrum Wien, graphic design: LIGA: graphic design
Opening of the exhibition:
Monika Platzer, curator Az W
Barbara Brandl, teacher BG & BRG Boerhaavegasse
Anne Wübben, education Az W
Pupils of BG & BRG Boerhaavegasse
Starting from the exhibition “Vienna. The Pearl of the Reich” Planning for Hitler together with school pupils we examined the question of how architecture is used as means of propaganda. How does architecture make its impact? And for what ends is it used?
After a tour of the exhibition and a workshop we explored urban space and examined the effect that Vienna’s network of streets in the inner city and large symmetrical public spaces had on us.
The pupils documented their impressions and implemented them in their own spatial installation, which adjoins the exhibition “Vienna. The Pearl of the Reich” and augments it with the pupils’ topical and personal impressions.
A cooperative undertaking between the BG & BRG Boerhaavegasse and the Architekturzentrum Wien in the framework of culture connected. With the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs and of KulturKontakt Austria