Think Global, Build Social!
Architectures for a Better World
The event to mark the closing of the exhibition and the workshops takes place on Saturday, 28.06.2014 from 3pm in…
ask the Az W! Ages 6+
Movie Night: Build Social! Viennese Projects
© Kurt Kuball / gaupenraub+/-: VinziRast-mittendrin, Wien/Vienna (A), 2013
A highly unusual residential community: students from Vienna University live and work together with formerly homeless people and learn from each other. The building, too, is unusual. Alexander Hagner from gaupenraub +/- will guide us through this converted Biedermeier house that now has a café, communal kitchens and numerous workshops. We will put together an equally colourful mix. In the form of collages we produce our own “Villa Villekulla“.
Reservations required for workshop participation: T +43 1 522 31 15 or