Archikids: Toys Dream of Spaces
Booked up
Sat 24.04.2010, 15:00-23:59

Archikids: What is Design?
© Az W
Every child has its favourite toy figure — Teddy, Littlest Pet, the action heroes from Star Wars, Spongebob, a doll… It has its own special place and always comes along. How would Teddy & Co. imagine their favourite space? How would they decorate it with our help? In architecture, too, there are sometimes dream homes. We look at a number of these more closely in the company of architects heri&salli, and afterwards we want to build our own dream houses. Your favourite space for your favourite toy figure — which, of course, you should definitely bring along with you when you come.
Reservations required for workshop participation:: 01-522 31 15 or