AoGA Congress 2013
Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria

AoGA Congress 2013
A cooperation by AoGA with the Az W
Welcome address:
Karoline Mayer, Az W
Georg Pendl, President of the bAIK
Presentation: Gunda Maurer, AoGA
AoGA projects:
South Sudan (Miakwadang Basis)
Alaska (Kivalina Community Center)
knowledge transfer in Bhutan
Lecture: TYIN tegnestue Architects, Norway, ‘Process, Methods and Aesthetics’
Panel discussion:
Gunda Maurer, AoGA
Andreas Papp, Ärzte ohne Grenzen
Yashar Hanstad, TYIN tegnestue Architects
Christoph Chorherr, politician and patron of architecture projects in Africa
Moderated by Ute Woltron, journalist
Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria promotes responsible humanitarian architecture. Three projects on three continents are on show that engage innovatively with an interdisciplinary network of planners and experts. The Norwegian office TYIN tegnestue Architects presents its work in disadvantaged regions of Thailand, Sumatra and Uganda. In a similar approach to the AoGA’s, the path to self-help is key.
Admission free!