Panel Discussion
a_showcase 26: Architecture Dialogues: Wilhelm Holzbauer and his former students

a_showcase 26: Architecture Dialogues: Wilhelm Holzbauer and his former students
© Sonja Pisarik
Wilhelm Holzbauer, Architect
Erich Bernard, BWM Architekten
Roman Delugan, Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
Willi Frötscher, Frötscher Lichtenwagner Architekten
Robert Temel, Architecture and Urban Researcher
Susanne Zottl, Zottl Buda
Moderated by Franziska Leeb, Architecture Journalist
“How do you arrive at the idea that you want to teach architecture? Because, of course, it’s impossible. Working in a group with the most varied of personalities is more of a psychological process”. This notwithstanding, Wilhelm Holzbauer had a decisive impact on the architecture course at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna for 21 years. From 1977 until 1998 over 300 students attended his classes, over 100 of who went on to qualify. Not only with his numerous completed buildings in Austria and other countries, but also with these teaching activities, Wilhelm Holzbauer, who recently celebrated his 85th birthday, has inscribed himself into the history of Austrian architecture. We have invited four of his former-students who have themselves achieved fame over the years to hold a dialogue with him about the architectural and the atmospheric, about influence and development — looking back and into the future.
Admission free!