Panel Discussion
a_showcase 22: Taking a Critical View of the Present
Discussion on the opening of the updated Present in 'a_show'

a_showcase 22: Taking a Critical View of the Present
© Martina Frühwirth
in German
Contemporary projects comprise one of the fixed elements in the permanent exhibition ‘a_show’; a_showcase 22 presents the entirely renewed Present, as well as selected architecture models of topical buildings. The ‘Economics of Attention’ call for constraint in the update, so old projects have to make space for new ones. Which projects attract our attention today? How relevant will these newly curated buildings be in ten years’ time? Is scepticism appropriate regarding the high-gloss of the spectacular projects celebrated in architecture journals and magazines?
The Az W does not exclude itself from the ‘vanity fair’. Dietmar Steiner and Martina Frühwirth are not devoting the evening to a canon of Austrian architecture but have invited the architects whose work is presented in ‘a_show’ to discuss the architecture of today.
Moderated by: Dietmar Steiner, Architekturzentrum Wien
Martina Frühwirth, Architekturzentrum Wien