
a_showcase 10: Viktor Hufnagl double pack – architecture blanketed in thermal insulation

Wed 01.07.2009, Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PM

in German

Viktor Hufnagl (1922 – 2007) made substantial contributions with his typologically richly inventive work – above all in the areas of school and housing construction. The large housing estate Am Schöpfwerk (1967 – 80), which he carried out together with Traude and Wolfgang Windbrechtinger among others, reveals, despite its complex genesis, considerable urban design qualities. In his housing development on Gerasdorfer Straße (1973 – 83) Hufnagl created a development structure that owes much to the garden city idea and that, with its courtyards and squares, offers outdoor spaces of particular quality. It is intended to upgrade the thermal insulation of these two housing developments shortly, a plan that brings with it a number of design problems. On the basis of original material from the architect’s estate the conceptual quality of the two housing developments will be discussed along with the ambivalent perspectives of their new “packaging”.


Kinayeh and Markus Geiswinkler, Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler
Franz Kiener, Architekturatelier Kiener
Robert Korab, raum & kommunikation
moderated by: Robert Temel

Further programme point

ÖGFA building tour 136: housing development Gerasdorfer Straße 61
Friday, 03.07.2009, 4 pm
The tour will be led by Jasmin Bayer (architect) and Isolde Janu (resident)
An event organised in cooperation with the ÖGFA (www.oegfa.at)

Admission free of charge

Impressions from the Az W event “a_showcase 10”.