a_schaufenster 24: Living the way we want to – collaborative building

a_schaufenster 24: Living the way we want to – collaborative building
© Hertha Hurnaus
Katharina Bayer, einszueins architektur
Fritz Matzinger, architect
Robert Temel, Initiative Gemeinsam Bauen Wohnen
Karin Wallmüller, Initiative W:A:B – Wohnbau:Alternative:Baugruppen
Johanna Treberspurg, nonconform architektur vor ort
moderated by: Sonja Pisarik, Az W
Over the last few years the interest in collaborative building and housing projects has grown rapidly. By now almost every larger development includes projects by building groups. The members of the building group are involved in the design of their apartment house and together they plan the spaces for the activities that are to take place in the building and its surroundings. What are the origins of this form of self-determined housing? We present a number of current examples, examine the history of participative building and speak to architects and representatives of various initiatives for collaborative building and housing.
Admission free!