Lecture & Discussion:
a_schaufenster 20: „Wien Mitte” – Ende gut, alles gut?

a_schaufenster 20: „Wien Mitte" – Ende gut, alles gut?
© Martina Frühwirth
Language: German
Dieter Henke & Marta Schreieck, henke und schreieck Architekten
Thomas Jakoubek, BAI (cancelled)
Christian Kühn, TU Wien
Laurids Ortner, Ortner & Ortner (cancelled)
Jürgen Radatz architect, former staff member of Roland Rainer’s office
Moderator: Dietmar Steiner, Direcktor Az W
In autumn 2012 ‘Wien Mitte’, a development above the railway station consisting of c. 130,000 m² of office and retail space designed by Ortner & Ortner Baukunst with Neumann + Steiner, approaches completion. Reason enough for the Az W to review this project’s lengthy development process, the numerous earlier projects, and the controversial discussions about this major inner city development.
In his short talk Dietmar Steiner places the final result, which is the subject of the debate, in its historical context. Jürgen Radatz talks about the urban planning study produced by Roland Rainer and Hermann Knoflacher in 1986 and, lastly, and henke und schreieck Architekten speak about their project.
Admission free!