A Tribute to Dietmar Steiner –
Part 1

Dietmar Steiner Library
© photograph: Lisa Rastl
In memory of the founder and director for many years of the Architekturzentrum Wien (1993–2016), who died in May, we are officially renaming the Az W Library The Dietmar Steiner Library.
Talking and writing about architecture, supporting and challenging young architects, networking with international architectural institutions and working to assure high quality in Austrian architecture — all these were on Dietmar Steiner’s agenda. As a seismographic observer, a sharp-tongued critic and an uncompromising afficionado of architecture, he has shaped the Austrian and international architectural realm for decades. The Architekturzentrum Wien is a living monument to his life’s work, paying tribute to his role as a mediator between theory and practice and his passion for “narrated architectural history”. In a festive ceremony, which is being broadcast live online, the Az W Library will be renamed The Dietmar Steiner Library.
Welcome address:
Hannes Swoboda, President of the Az W Board
Angelika Fitz, Director of the Az W
Karin Lux, Executive Director of the Az W
Doris Knecht, author and journalist