
A to Z. The World of Isay Weinfeld

Thu 18.12.2014 – Mon 23.02.2015
Exhibition poster

Exhibition poster: A to Z. The World of Isay Weinfeld
© Architekturzentrum Wien, photograph: Fernando Guerra, graphic design: LIGA: graphic design

Isay Weinfeld is not only among the most sought-after contemporary Brazilian architects but is also successful in the areas of exhibition design, stage set, furniture and object design and, in particular, as a film-maker. Like no-one else he has succeeded in developing a sensitive, elegant and modern architectural style with a Brazilian stamp. In February 2014 Weinfeld’s project won the architecture competition for the site around the Eislaufverein (ice-skating association) in Vienna and became the subject of an animated discussion. Following the announcement of the competition results the Architekturzentrum Wien is pleased to be able to present the prize-winner to the public with an exhibition of his selected work.

“A to Z. The World of Isay Weinfeld” illustrates the philosophy of this renowned architect in a most impressive manner. In the exhibition a cross-section through the work of Weinfeld will be presented, ranging from furniture and design objects, designs for the interiors of various shops and restaurants to single-family houses, as well as projects from the areas of residential and office buildings and the design of public open space. As a film-maker Isay Weinfeld attaches particular importance in all his projects to the narrative element and to orchestration. In the exhibition conceived for the Architekturzentrum Wien he takes the visitors with him on a journey through the universe of his creativity – from the door handle to the office building, from the stage set to the interior of a McDonald’s, from the Instagram installation to the fruit bowl, from the cradle to the coffin – from A to Z.

Supported by WERTINVEST

Opening of the exhibition

Dietmar Steiner, director Az W
Isay Weinfeld, architect
Evandro Didonet, Brazilian ambassador in Vienna

Project coordination Az W: Karoline Mayer, Katharina Ritter
Project coordination Isay Weinfeld: Mariana Nakiri
Exhibition design: Isay Weinfeld

Public Funding:
Geschäftsgruppe – Stadtentwicklung, Verkehr, Klimaschutz, Energieplanung und BürgerInnenbeteiligung
The Arts Division and the Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria
Geschäftsgruppe Kultur und Wissenschaft