A Green Christmas
A Green Christmas at the Az W

A Green Christmas at the Az W
The Xmas season is opening on December 11 in the Architekturzentrum Wien courtyard. But as the weather forecast for the near future is most unwinterly the colour of the bar installation will match the weather in green, for a green Christmas.
A bar installation by the architects of noncon:fom & synn is to provide a pragmatic but nonetheless charming configuration with urban flair as a refreshing contrast to the pseudo-romantic Viennese Glühwein stands.
From December 11-21, daily from 5pm to 9pm, the bar is to be used by various groups and architecture initiators as a place of communication, a Glühwein bar, a chill-out zone, an acoustic space or a speakers’ corner.
The organisers are to change on a daily basis, offering invigoration or calm beyond the standard pre-Christmas consumer facilities. Divine Glühwein is being served with the proceeds going to a good cause, the VinziDorf in Vienna. The VinziDorf society is an organisation dedicated to providing a village-like settlement for the long-term homeless.
Thursday, December 11, 2003
The Green Party
The Greens’ Green Christmas at the Az W
DJ line and discussions on building with Eva Glawischnig and Christoph Chorherr
Friday, December 12, 2003
strengthened: Legrand
sung: unisono
sound: Neumann
Saturday, December 13, 2003
nextroom – Architektur im Netz
nextroom opens its doors
The virtual architecture platform is at last showing what’s behind it.
Finest Glühwein architecture. With music.
Sunday, December 14, 2003
F&C Junior Company
What’s cooking at the F&C?
Feasting for the VinziDorf
Students from the hotel and restaurateur college are to be spoiling their guests with tasty morsels
Monday, December 15, 2003
IG Architektur
Punch Panel
The final plenum of 2003 in the form of an informal conversation with Glühwein and sounds by Herr Norbert
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Architecture in Progress & eisvogel
Hot Christmas
Better to eat fire than go curling
Better a burning Christmas tree than cold feet
Better glowing wine than frozen beer
Better warm than white
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Architekturzentrum Wien
Alles Gute. A Treatment.
A contemplative architectural open-air reading as part of ‘Alles Gute. A Treatment’ at around 6pm with warm Glühwein and pleasant music.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Kammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten
Chamber Flickering
This glitzy evening is being organised by the Chamber of Architects and Engineering Consultants for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. Sounds by architects & engineers
Friday, December 19, 2003
Lola & Bolek feat. ÖGFA
Architecture & Politics 6: Vinyl From the Prefabs
Visuals: Andreas Rumpfhuber
“It’s only just starting” – Lola and Bolek play def beats and
boss Bossas from Italy, France and the socialist brethren nations.
Saturday, December 20, 2003
F & C Junior Company
What’s cooking at the F&C?
Feasting for the VinziDorf
Students from the hotel and restaurateur college are to be spoiling their guests with tasty morsels
Sunday, December 21, 2003
An Evening Together
da capo
Deputy District Chairperson Madeleine Reiser