16th Vienna Architecture Congress
Architektur beginnt im Kopf. The Making of Architecture

16th Vienna Architecture Congress
The Congress is conducted in English
11:00 Opening: Dietmar Steiner, director Az W
11:30 Elke Krasny, curator of the exhibition, Vienna: Field Research Architects at Work
12:15 Jacques Barsac, film maker and expert on Charlotte Perriand, Paris*
13:00 Break
14:15 Hermann Czech, Atelier Czech, Vienna
15:00 Astrid Piber, UNStudio, Amsterdam
15:45 Break
16:15 Gary Chang, Edge Design Institute, Hong Kong
17:00 François Roche, R&Sie(n) architects, Paris
17:45 Break
18:15 Robert Temel, Architekturtheoretiker, architecture theorist, Vienna: Field Research Tales of Architectural Tools
19:00 concluding discussion
moderated by: Elke Krasny
*lecture in French with simultaneous translation
Subject to alteration
The 16th Vienna Architecture Congress endeavours to reflect the taut relationship between the potential of the tools and individual creative strategies, and to pause for a moment in the permanent production of architecture. How is architecture thought up? How many tools does the profession need, and in what combinations? In the economies of creation personal strategies are explicitly formulated as design practices specific to each office or are implicitly developed. Even more exciting than the mythical question of the start is deciding when a design process is regarded as final. Methods, intuition, personal inspiration: very different international positions are represented in the exhibition ’Architektur beginnt im Kopf. The Making of Architecture‘ by designers such as Gary Chang, Hermann Czech, François Roche and Astrid Piber /UNStudio, who speak about their specific way of working, their sources of inspiration and their instruments, while Jacques Barsac talks about Charlotte Perriand’s work. How tools raise expectations, increase the creativity gap and the pressure of time, and become productive in the design process by means of individual ploys and tricks, is a demanding question that is posed time and time again, at every new beginning.
Concept: Elke Krasny
Organisation: Alexandra Wachter