Bookable Workshop

All under one roof!

Is the American Dream Home Still Relevant?

Frau im Hintergrund stehend, davor zwei kleine Kinder die auf einen Mann zulaufen

Hallo Vati! Wie war es in der Arbeit? Mutti hat schon gekocht! Untitled #52 (aus der Serie Traces, 2015–2017) von Weronika Gęsicka
© Weronika Gęsicka

The dream of owning your own home with a garden, a pool and a car has spread throughout Europe — having begun in the American suburbs. We delve into the world of dreams and suburbs, and ask ourselves: What is actually true about this idealised image? And what are the alternatives? Because the social and ecological consequences of this housing model, such as land consumption, the sealing of the soil and social isolation, can no longer be denied. We visit the exhibition ‘Suburbia. Living the American Dream’ and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of housing. Based on the students’ respective experiences, we develop a model neighbourhood from these individual dream homes with a focus on the art of living together.