© Graphic design: grafisches Büro
Mandatory disclosure in accordance with § 25 media and information requirements according to § 5 E-Commerce Gesetz (ECG)
Media owner/Publisher:
Architekturzentrum Wien
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna
T+43-1-522 31 15
F+43-1-522 31 55
Legal form: non profit-making association
Central association register number: 183225450
VAT no.: ATU39346301
Data processing register number: 0753921
Angelika Fitz, Director
Karin Lux, Executive Director
Area of activity:
The purpose of the association is to facilitate the scholarly analysis of art, architecture and design and in this way to support the general public in the academic, artistic and cultural areas. The aim of the association is achieved by research work and research commissions in the area of architecture and design, by collecting sketches, plans, projects, models and similar, by running an architecture museum, building up an architectural database and library, holding architecture exhibitions, meetings, congresses, lectures, panel discussions, guided tours and symposia, and by public relations work of all kinds.
Contents of the online service
Web presence to promote and support the area of activity
Copyright and trademark law
In all publications the Az W makes every reasonable effort to observe the copyright of the texts, illustrations, graphics, video sequences and sound documents used, to use texts, illustrations, graphics, video sequences and sound documents produced by the Az W itself or by its contract partners, or to make use of royalty-free texts, illustrations, graphics, video sequences, and sound documents that are in the public domain.
All trademarks and brand names named in the internet services and possibly protected by third party rights are subject without reservation to the provisions of the respective valid trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. Merely because they are mentioned it should not be assumed that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties!
The copyright for published objects produced either by the Az W itself or its contract partners remains solely with the Az W (author of the pages). The reproduction or use of such graphics, illustrations, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications without the express agreement of the author (Az W) is not permitted.
Where not otherwise stated, all trademarks are protected. This applies in particular to company logos and emblems.
No guarantee
This website was compiled with the greatest care. Nevertheless, the Az W cannot guarantee the freedom from errors and accuracy of the information contained herein. The Az W excludes any liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly by using this website, except where these resulted from malicious intent or gross negligence.
Dissociation from external links
The Az W expressly distances itself from all contents of all externally linked sites on this website. The Az W accepts no liability for the websites of third parties that can be accessed through links on this website. The owners and operators alone are responsible for the content and maintenance of these sites. Links on this website to third party sites are not recommendations and do not represent guarantees. We are not liable to recourse for untruths, exaggerations, or legal violations on the linked websites.
No licence
The intellectual property contained on this website is protected. A licence for the use of the intellectual property of the Az W or a third party is not granted through this website.
Concept & programming
WIENFLUSS information.design.solutions KG
Project management & consultancy:
Confidelia e.U. | Karin Graf-Kaplaner
Grafisches Büro
Ines Purtauf, Alexandra Viehhauser
By attending Az W events, you consent to the use for promotional purposes of any photographs and film footage of the event in which you might appear.