"Boden für Alle", Park Books, ed.: Karoline Mayer, Katharina Ritter, Angelika Fitz and Architekturzentrum Wien; Design: Manuel Radde & LWZ; Illustrations: LWZ
© Az W
Our catalogue to the exhibition ‘Land For Us All’ engages with some highly topical issues: the climate crisis, rising housing costs and the threat of losing food sovereignty are making the issue of land a decisive topic for the future. The clearly illustrated book, with analyses and case studies, as well as essays by Saskia Sassen, Gerhard Senft, Vandana Shiva, Robert Temel and Gerlind Weber, points the way to a courageous land policy. € 38.- (+ postage)
The current issue of Best of Austria. Architektur 2018_2019 presents projects that have been awarded major Austrian and international architecture prizes. Generous illustrations and precise brief texts reveal the breadth and quality of Austrian architecture. € 58.- (+ postage) The catalogue is already SOLD OUT at the Az W. Available in well-stocked bookshops!
Suspense is to be found in the book Cold War and Architecture. The battle between different political systems after 1945 was also being waged in the architecture sector. € 58.- (+ postage)
Our book on ‘a_show’, the permanent exhibition at the Az W, is always up to date. It provides a unique view of 150 years of architecture in Austria; a must for any bookshelf.
€ 68.- (+ postage)
All publications are available at the Az W Shop, or may be ordered directly from eshop@azw.at