Architekturzentrum Wien
© Architekturzentrum Wien, photograph: Lisa Rastl
You can visit the Az W from your own home using our digital channels.
150 years of architectural history accessible from your own home
Tales of varying lengths on Austrian architecture — in an architectural version of Boccaccio’s The Decameron. The daily online architecture course feeds from the Az W Collection and the permanent exhibition — 150 years of architectural history at home on a daily basis at #AzWDecameron
Archikids Workshops for the Home
We offer ARCHIKIDS workshops for our young visitors at home, too, also via our digital channels of communication. We provide building instructions and handicraft tips to satisfy cravings for gluing, painting, building…
The Corona crisis is really putting our homes to the test. Living space is being used as a school, an office, a fitness studio and a virtual party room. How do we handle this new way of thinking? After last year’s collective living experiment ‘the way we live’ we are now asking how living has changed in times of staying at home, when shared space is suddenly considered dangerous and improvised multifunctionality has to be renegotiated on a daily basis.
We would like your help here. To capture this moment in the history of housing, please post your photographs, mind maps, floor plans etc. under #WieWirCoronaWohnen, or send your documentation to: wohnen2020@azw.at
Selected submissions will be added to the Az W Collection.
All submissions include your tacit consent to the publication of photographs by the Architekturzentrum Wien.
Our Exhibitions are Online
You can experience our legendary exhibitions online using the Az W Film Channel.
Our Collection is Online
You can visit the highlights of our extensive collection here.