Collection for All

Hot Questions – Cold Storage

Guided tour of the permanent exhibition, for blind and visually impaired people

Mon 11.11.2024, 17:30-18:30
3 Personen in einer Ausstellung, 2 davon tasten ein Model ab

VIENNA ART WEEK 2023: „AzW Sammlung für alle" - Führung für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen (13.11.2023) Foto: - Lorenz Seidler
© Foto: - Lorenz Seidler

A guided tour of the permanent collection, for the blind and the visually impaired. Feeling models and various surfaces with touch, applying background information and experiencing the atmosphere acoustically — this is how the guided tour through our display collection for the blind and the visually impaired is structured. A tactile model is used to impart the scale of the Karl-Marx Hof while listening to first-hand accounts from one of its residents. Other residential buildings from the 2000s, such as the Gasometers, Donau City and the Kabelwerk, are shown as tactile models to illustrate the developments. An acoustic experience of Danube Island, the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York and the Islamic cemetery in Altach is also provided at the audio stations.