Panel discussion

Building Culture in the National Council of Austria?

A discussion of land protection, conser­vation and the promotion of building culture

Tue 10.09.2024, 18:00-20:00
Bird's eye view of fields and settlements with houses in between

Urban sprawl in the countryside: Gänserndorf in Lower Austria
© Photograph: Stefanie Grüssl / with thanks to the air force of the BMLV

In the run-up to the parliamentary elections, politicians discuss land policy, building stock and building culture with experts. Join the discussion!

Building culture is becoming increasingly important politically due to the topical relevance of issues such as land consumption, urban sprawl, building conservation and the strengthening of resiliance in urban centres. Proposals for concrete measures at a federal level are on the table, while they have not yet been implemented. Together with experts, we want to put these approaches up for discussion: Which of them can be realised in the next five years?

Politicians: Lukas Hammer, Greens; Elke Hanel-Torsch, SPÖ; Johannes Margreiter, Neos; Johannes Schmuckenschlager, ÖVP (invited); Philipp Schrangl, FPÖ (invited)

Experts: Simon Pories, WWF; Carina Sacher, Alliance for Substance; Robert Temel, Plattform Baukulturpolitik

An event in cooperation with Plattform Baukulturpolitik